Evacuate a building when:
- An alarm sounds
- If notified by emergency personnel, or by other means
While evacuating the building:
- DO NOT USE ELEVATORS during an evacuation. Emergency personnel may use an elevator for evacuation after review of the circumstances.
- Walk quickly to the nearest marked exit and ask others to do the same.
- Once outside, Move Clear Of The Building Allowing Others to Exit. Keep streets and walkways for emergency vehicles and crews.
- DO NOT Return to an evacuated building until advised by emergency personnel.
- Be aware of people with disabilities who may require assistance in an emergency evacuation.
If you have a disability and are unable to evacuate:
- Stay calm and take steps to protect yourself. If there is a working telephone, call 2300 and tell the dispatcher where you are or where you will be going.
- Move to an enclosed stairwell.
- Request persons exiting by stairwell to notify Public Safety or Emergency Personnel of your location.
- As soon as practical, move onto the stairway and await Public Safety or Emergency personnel.
It is suggested that people with disabilities prepare for emergencies by learning the locations of exit corridors and enclosed stairwells and by informing co-workers, professors, and/or classmates of the best way to assist during an emergency.